
Hello, blob

In a world not governed by the usual laws of physics, there exists a realm of abstract entities known as Blobs. These Blobs, born from the whispers of the cosmos, dance their existence away in the boundless void of the universe.

Each Blob, a unique ensemble of radiant colors, throbs gently, their forms constantly undulating, pulsating to the rhythm of the cosmic symphony. They are the children of randomness, their forms ever-changing, dictated by the celestial dice roll of probability.

As they float in the space, their paths occasionally intersect, creating an ephemeral fusion of colors, a fleeting moment of unity before they drift apart again. These moments, though transient, are a testament to the interconnected dance of the universe, a nod to the underlying fabric that weaves all existence together.

When a curious traveler from our world, armed with the power of the human attention ventures into their realm, the Blobs react. They sense the presence of the traveler, their colors changing, glowing brighter as if acknowledging this strange visitor.

As the traveler moves, the Blobs follow in a playful dance, their paths mirroring the whims of the traveler's gesticulations. For the Blobs, the presence of the traveler is a break from their routine, a chance to interact, to perform for an audience. It's a symbiotic relationship, an unspoken bond formed in the cosmic dance floor.

In their fleeting existence, the Blobs embody the beauty of randomness, the serenity of unity, and the joy of interaction. They represent a microcosm of the universe, a spectacle of endless possibilities, a dance of abstract forms in the grand theatre of existence.


A Little Black Dog Plays in the Snow. An AI story.

There once was a little black dog named Beatrice who had spent most of her life living in a shelter. She was a sweet and gentle dog, but unfortunately, no one had ever come to adopt her.

One cold winter day, a kind man named Barky came to the shelter looking for a furry companion to keep him company. As soon as he saw Beatrice, he knew that the little black dog was the one he had been looking for.

Barky brought Beatrice home and gave her a warm bed by the fireplace, a cozy blanket to snuggle up in, and all the love and attention she had always wanted. Beatrice was overjoyed and couldn't stop wagging her tail with happiness.

As the snow started to fall outside, Barky wrapped Beatrice up in a warm sweater and took her outside to play. Beatrice had never seen snow before, and as she ran and chased after the snowflakes, she felt more alive and free than she ever had before.

She ran and played until she was tired, and then came inside and snuggled up close to Barky as they watched the snow falling softly from the sky. Beatrice knew that she had finally found her forever home and the love and happiness she had always dreamed of. And Barky knew that he had found the perfect little companion to share his life with. 

The end.


A Chilly New Years Ride


I've been wanting to go biking for weeks, but the weather has beaten us back to the interior of the house. Until today. Sunny but chilly, I took advantage of the break in the weather. The next 5 days look awful for biking, so it had to be today. 

I moved all the e-bike components to the new bike I bought for $20 at a local thrift store because the frame was better I think. I also added a solar panel. The idea is to charge the e-bike while I ride it. That panel isn't going to make it so that I can ride indefinitely but it does extend the range.


Dog On It at the DB


We're Dog On It, Johny McDonald, Ken Cawley, and myself. And we've been asked to play at the Drunk Brush on Fridays recently. Some good ol' fun going on! Trying new stuff, new sounds as well as some old ones, of course. Why Dog On It? Because between Johny and I, we own 7 dogs.

The illustration I got from DALL-E, after a lot of prompting: Illustration of an Australian Shepherd dog sitting on a pile of broken instruments, including drums, guitars, fiddles, etc.


Grumpy and Cold

I asked ChatGTP and DALL-E to generate a story and illustration about an old man being grumpy about it being too cold and snowy to go out and ride his bike.

It was a cold, bitter Winter day, and old man Barky was feeling particularly grumpy. He had been looking forward to going for a ride on his beloved e-bike, with his trusty sidekick Beatrice, but the weather was just too darn cold.

As he sat in his cozy living room, sipping on a mug of hot cocoa, Barky couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance towards Winter. "Why does it have to be so cold?" he grumbled to himself.

He tried to shake off his frustration and decided to take matters into his own hands. He rummaged through his closet and pulled out his warmest coat, gloves, and hat. "I'll show Winter who's boss!" he declared.

But as soon as he stepped outside, the icy wind hit him like a ton of bricks. "This is ridiculous!" he shouted, trying to make his way back to the warmth of his house.

Despite his best efforts, Barky just couldn't seem to get warm. His fingers and toes were freezing and his nose was running like a faucet. "I give up," he said, defeated.

With a heavy heart, Barky trudged back inside and curled up on the couch with a blanket. "I guess I'll just have to wait until Spring to ride my bike," he said, sighing.

Oh well, at least he had plenty of hot cocoa and Beatrice to keep him company until then.