
It Works (mostly)! Low Tech Solar Water Heater.

The hovel is without a real water heater, so I rigged up a solar water warmer with black tubing on the roof.

Good enough for washing dishes, and an interesting shower experience! When I get the real - energy sucking - water heater I want, I'll use this loop to preheat water going into the tank.


All Work

And no play, will make the old hovel a home some day. 

I hope. 


Waiting On Parts

Before I get a real water heater, I'm rigging up a solar variety - a very simple one - using a black hose on the roof. Of course this is nothing new. It's done all over the world and makes such sense. Why wouldn't you want to cut pollution and save money by letting the sun heat, or pre-heat your water?

But, I didn't have all the parts I needed. They should be here mid-week and I should have some warmth by next weekend. The first phase is a test. 200 feet of 1/4 inch black irrigation pipe just laying up on the roof. Fed through cold water pressure, it shoots up through the roof, loops through the coil, back down through the roof and straight into the hot water line.  Other tinkering will include trying different lengths and diameter of piping, and placement of the coil including inside a glazed insulated box. 

Later on when I obtain the right electric water heater, I'll use the loop to pre-heat water.