
A Little Black Dog Plays in the Snow. An AI story.

There once was a little black dog named Beatrice who had spent most of her life living in a shelter. She was a sweet and gentle dog, but unfortunately, no one had ever come to adopt her.

One cold winter day, a kind man named Barky came to the shelter looking for a furry companion to keep him company. As soon as he saw Beatrice, he knew that the little black dog was the one he had been looking for.

Barky brought Beatrice home and gave her a warm bed by the fireplace, a cozy blanket to snuggle up in, and all the love and attention she had always wanted. Beatrice was overjoyed and couldn't stop wagging her tail with happiness.

As the snow started to fall outside, Barky wrapped Beatrice up in a warm sweater and took her outside to play. Beatrice had never seen snow before, and as she ran and chased after the snowflakes, she felt more alive and free than she ever had before.

She ran and played until she was tired, and then came inside and snuggled up close to Barky as they watched the snow falling softly from the sky. Beatrice knew that she had finally found her forever home and the love and happiness she had always dreamed of. And Barky knew that he had found the perfect little companion to share his life with. 

The end.


A Chilly New Years Ride


I've been wanting to go biking for weeks, but the weather has beaten us back to the interior of the house. Until today. Sunny but chilly, I took advantage of the break in the weather. The next 5 days look awful for biking, so it had to be today. 

I moved all the e-bike components to the new bike I bought for $20 at a local thrift store because the frame was better I think. I also added a solar panel. The idea is to charge the e-bike while I ride it. That panel isn't going to make it so that I can ride indefinitely but it does extend the range.