
my wound

this house is my wound
shame blocks the sharing of it
no one
can truly see it
i can't even bear
to take it's true measure
of my debasement
so, i deflect with typical banter
of minor struggles
and hope for fraternal sympathy
while it sits there and waits
night after night, dark and cold,
waiting for me to do something
while i cover my ears
avoiding at all costs
the cries
of skeletons in the cupboard


  1. The first part of fixing any problem is the addmition that there is one in the first place !! The next hurdle is sucking up pride and ego and asking for HELP !!
    --- BOXMAN ---
    P.S. Your place ain't that bad !! I sure as hell have seen and lived in worse !

  2. I like that the skeletons are in the cupboard--the place nearer the hearth than the closet. Nice switch of place.

    The house of course sounds like it's own metaphor for the soul---no one can truly see it and its debasement.


  3. i like the metaphor. point. it rings, so. that lovely made?? words like hell, skeletons, filthy, mistake, damn thing, overwhelmed, shame,
    avoiding, struggle, etc. are that. [negative] create a disharmony with the need to be empowered
    look within, you can do anything. the possabilities are endless, yes. something new is waiting, to be born. may they be your talents???
    and your relationship, with your dwelling. bh.

  4. Who is the Monster, the skeleton, the provoker?
    What tool or object inflicts the injury?
    What contract did you sign that allows random hits of "debasement" to destroy your power and strength?
    This house has become a playground for your subconscious tormentor. The fears you confront and/or avoid daily won't go away because the kitchen finally got electrical wires installed. Your fraternal support group can help you with your wounds, though,  and that is good enough of an excuse to live in such a desperately "needy" house. Think of it as a "friend magnet", a place to express your pain and heal your wounds, and they may even help you to slay your secret demons.


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