
Quick Update

My hero Greg has left town.  Going back to school after a short summer working on my house. He (we) got a lot done.  I owe him huge for his creative efforts.

Over the next few weeks I'll be mudding and texturing the new sheetrock we put up.  Slow process for me.  It requires a some finesse.

It's been a bittersweet few months.  I was hoping to have the place finished and in move-in-able condition by now.  But when Greg went to do the drawings and check out the overall condition of the place, he discovered a lot of structural problems that we just had to address.  We've gone backwards on the house, but I'm glad that the work we did is solid. At least I don't have to worry about that portion of the hovel falling down.

Now I'm alone again working on the place as best I can.

The newest drag on my psyche:  my dog and faithful companion of many years is dying of terminal bone cancer.

All I can do is put my head down and keep going.

Over and out ...

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