
Church Modes (DPL - MAL)

Learning the names of the modes (why are they sometimes called the church modes?).

So weird.

Making a smart flashcard deck. DPLMAL is a mnemonic.


Found at C.A.N.

Industrialized and developing countries dissipate roughly the same quantities of food — respectively 670 and 630 million tonnes. 


Project #8 (Part One): Scales on guitar

Again, weird that I haven't learned this by now. So, here we go. First I want to learn the Pentatonic Scales all over the neck.

Another long term project! Rather than pentatonic, I'm thinking of learning the major scale first, reasoning that all other scales can be derived from it. So many different approaches CAGED, 3 notes per string, etc.


Project #7: Thoughts after one week.

I started learning the notes on the guitar fretboard. Harder than I thought! I have the basics down but I have to keep drilling. I looked around for ideas on how best to learn -- there are many ideas on how to do this. I tried making smart cards, which I think may be beneficial, but I 'm not certain I know which method is ultimately the best.

The ironic thing is that I've been playing consistently now for about 15 years, but the very first lesson -- learning the notes on the fretboard -- turns out to be the hardest thing. Learning the notes on the keyboard turns out to be so easy in comparison


I will need to keep drilling on this.

NOTE: I'm renaming these from weekly projects to simply projects.


Found at C.A.N.

I occasionally work for a local food bank called Community Action Network. It's a great service to a community that has people in need. They distribute food for free to folks that need it. I like to help out and I get some free food. I'm amazed how much overproduction of food there is floating around. The are a lot of canned goods, but loads of fresh foods too. Much of it is approaching expiration. If you go look you can find surprises there.

Food losses and waste amounts to roughly US$ 680 billion in industrialized countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries.


Project #7: Learn all the notes on the guitar fretboard.

I've been playing guitar more or less continuously for about 15 years. Amazingly and ashamedly, I haven't bothered to learn the notes on the guitar fretboard. The whole fretboard. That ends this week.

Not sure at this point which methodology I'm going to use. I'll experiment a bit, but I'm thinking I'll start by choosing a single note, then finding all of those notes on the fretboard. All the "E's", "A's", etc.

This is a long term project. Duh! Wow is this hard.  I've made a series of flashcards to help with this. I'm try to do this from multiple angles: all notes on each string, all notes at the 3rd fret, etc.  There is not clear winner for me ... yet.  Speaking to a friend, I heard him say this takes years. Oy. No. Don't have years.  Giving myself to the end of the year.


The Year of Guitar

I've been avoiding this. I have had a love-hate relationship with the guitar for years. I've been playing it because it is easy and there is something undeniably beguiling about the instrument. But everyone plays guitar and it is so difficult to distinguish yourself among the crowd.

I have learned in fits and starts and gradually progressed, but lately I'm feeling stuck. I have reached a plateau of guitar mediocrity.

So I'm giving it another shot. I'm going to study fairly intensively for a year then see where I find myself.


Raw Nerve

Today, I'm a raw nerve. I am a 360 degree, fully dimensional person. I feel things, I react, I acknowledge, I let them go.

I don't know if it's bio-rhythms, phases of the moon or some other force, but I am emotional today. I feel like a hut on a beach with no walls in the tropics. The wind blows through all day in different strengths and from different directions carrying scents from far away.


Consider This


Buddha: "get a grip on your mind" 
Me: "dude, I'm trying"