
Recent Books I've Read

Michael Finkel, Author
"It's the ending, I believe, that Knight planned. He wasn't going to leave behind a single recorded thought, not a photo, not an idea. No person would know of his experience. Nothing would ever be written about him. He would simply vanish, and no one on this teeming planet would notice. His end wouldn't create so much as a ripple on North Pond. It would have been an existence, a life, of utter perfection."

"All women are she," Mykonos once told me. "Treat each woman as the Goddess, because she is. Women are built to reveal openness--they are nature's mechanism of surrender--and they wait for a man they could trust with their utterly surrendered heart. Few women ever meet such a man, so most women suffer terribly, longing their entire lives."

"All this research proved the cancer microbe is a reality. The cell wall deficient cancer microbe is always present in cancer and its forms are varied: cocci, rods, large globoid and yeast-like forms, acid-fast granules, fungus-like forms, and giant "large body" forms. Because most physicians are taught little about cell wall deficient bacteria, the cancer microbe remains the hidden killer in cancer."