
I Guess It's Not Summer Anymore

Outside my front door.

I guess it's not summer anymore. The once-endless days of sunshine and warmth have given way to a cool, crisp breeze and the changing colors of the leaves. The air is filled with the aroma of burning wood and the distant sound of geese flying south.

Gone are the lazy afternoons spent lounging by the pool and the sound of ice clinking in glasses. In their place are cozy sweaters and hot cups of tea, enjoyed in front of a crackling fireplace. The world begins to hunker down for the long winter ahead, drawing in and slowing its pace.

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, the world prepares to slumber once more. The trees shed their leaves in a riot of gold and red, the flowers close their petals, and the world grows quiet.

It is a time of contemplation and introspection, a time to gather in the warmth and comfort of loved ones. So let us bid farewell to summer, for it is time to turn our faces to the cool and stillness of the coming autumn, and then the snows of winter.

(Text by ChatGTP,  photo by me.)

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