
Where to start?

OK. Make a list.

First on the list? Cleanup.

When I bought this place, I dumped the accumulation of decades of stuff into it. This week I'm going through everything I own and toss.

This could be painful ...


  1. Looks like my desk. Clever idea for a blog! Like it. My only advice is to pretend you can only have two large suitcases of stuff with you at any time.

  2. Hi LFB. I just discovered this blog. Great. I've wrestled with the pack rat habit for decades. Between the extremes of true packratism and zen-like bare house, I wander. Wife leans toward the latter, as it's mostly MY stuff, but every time I throw something away, I suffer a kind of post-partwiththem depression. I'm reading some Wallace Stegner that helps; I'll recommend when I can remember the title. Carry on, Joe


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