
Kitchen Electric Upgrade, Part 2, (Phase 1)

In order to finish the wiring job, we had to get under the house to run the new wiring to the panel. Looked around and discovered no easy way to get under. This surprised me. Although I've never been under there, I thought I'd be able to when necessary. Nope.

We ended up having to drill a 2 SF hole in my kitchen floor!

I was shocked that there were no fewer than 5 layers of wood comprising the floor (it'll be hidden under cabinets). On the positive side, that hole will also allow for access when it's time for the great plumbing upgrade. Oh how I'm looking forward to that!

Yesterday, I finished putting the last of the 4 new lighting cans in the ceiling. It was a struggle (remember, we're talking non-standard construction here), but it's done. Two of them are switched up and working. Hope to wire a switch up to the other two today. These switches are all temporary. I want (depending on the price) to install some automated switches you can turn on and off and dim from a distance.

This electrical upgrade is just about done, thanks to Mike Hulbert. Before I cover it all up with sheetrock, I need to look into plumbing issues that might effect this wall.


Kitchen Electric Upgrade, Part 1

The most significant work needs to happen in my kitchen. I need electrical and plumbing upgrades. A friend from my days as an FRC student came up to help me with phase 1 of a very much needed upgrade. This phase:
  1. remove old wiring in the kitchen - 110 and 220
  2. rewire / add wiring to accommodate electric range, new receptacles and lights
Next phase:
  1. upgrade panel to 200 amp service (scheduled for Spring/Summer 2010)
I started by demolishing part of a wall in the kitchen before Mike arrived to expose the existing baffling wire job:


What Happened?

Earlier this Summer, things were moving along nicely. I went through almost everything I own, tossed a bunch, organized most of the rest, transformed my shack into an orderly place to store my belongings and tools, and was about to get some help on some substantial work.

Then, stuff happened. A friend who had agreed to help me put a foundation under the "bad" part of the house, decided to make a life change and just couldn't free anytime for me. I knew I couldn't do this on my own, so I decided to be flexible and focus on the the rest of the house. But, I felt deflated. I went to music camp for about 10 days. This interrupted my flow. Then I got sick. Swine Flu, pneumonia, and poison oak - at the same time. Not good.

By the time I was ready to start again, I was totally out of the groove. Going back to the house, I was getting the same overwhelming resistance I have endured for years. Now it's the end of October and the place is a wreck.
What can I say? I can't think of anything else I've gone through in my life that just ... defeats me like this.

I surmise that part of the problem is this: the house is not just a house. It's a metaphor for much bigger things. So, working on this thing is about confronting my entire existence? Can't seem to compartmentalize (is this a word?) here.

One thing for sure. I'm not giving up. Must keep going ...


Reality Bites

I am forced to make a small change in my program. I'm moving my move-in date from Nov.1 2009 to Nov. 1 2010. Like I said. A small change.


To be succinct, too much to do, not enough resources.

On the positive side, just finishing up some major electrical work courtesy of my friend Mike Hulbert. Photos coming ...