
What Happened?

Earlier this Summer, things were moving along nicely. I went through almost everything I own, tossed a bunch, organized most of the rest, transformed my shack into an orderly place to store my belongings and tools, and was about to get some help on some substantial work.

Then, stuff happened. A friend who had agreed to help me put a foundation under the "bad" part of the house, decided to make a life change and just couldn't free anytime for me. I knew I couldn't do this on my own, so I decided to be flexible and focus on the the rest of the house. But, I felt deflated. I went to music camp for about 10 days. This interrupted my flow. Then I got sick. Swine Flu, pneumonia, and poison oak - at the same time. Not good.

By the time I was ready to start again, I was totally out of the groove. Going back to the house, I was getting the same overwhelming resistance I have endured for years. Now it's the end of October and the place is a wreck.
What can I say? I can't think of anything else I've gone through in my life that just ... defeats me like this.

I surmise that part of the problem is this: the house is not just a house. It's a metaphor for much bigger things. So, working on this thing is about confronting my entire existence? Can't seem to compartmentalize (is this a word?) here.

One thing for sure. I'm not giving up. Must keep going ...

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to enjoy each day and be grateful, smiling and laughing about the things you can't control. Be proud of what you have done so far and know that I'm impressed by your sincerity! Good effort and perseverance on your part. Don't be too hard on yourself, cuz' when you do finally finish this house/project you won't have anything else to fret about! Every day will be like a vacation!!


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